Lt Col Satish Kumar Singh assumed the appointment of Vice Principal Sainik School Imphal on 02 May 2022. He was commissioned into the Army Educational Corps in Dec 2005. The officer was attached to the infantry in the Uri sector at Line of Control (LOC) from 2005 to 2007. The Officer is joining Sainik School Imphal after completing 3 years tenure at AEC Training College and Centre.
He is an alumni of KV IIT Powai. He has completed his graduation from K J Somaiya and post graduation in MA from Mumbai University. He has also completed B Ed from Bombay Teachers Training College and PG Diploma in Defence Management from Uttarakhand. He has also undergone psychological Counsellor course at DIPR, DRDO. The officer has done Diploma in Arabic Language from Barkatullah University and interpretership level qualified from School of Foreign Languages, Delhi. Since his commissioning in IA in the year 2005, he has tenated various appointments at Uri, Tangdhar and Rajouri at LOC and CI Field. The officer has been an Instructor at the prestigious Indian Military Academy and Education officer at various stations. He was Arabic Language Instructor at Army Educational Corps Training College and Centre. He has a vast instructional and staff experience during his service. |