23 Sep 2023: Essay Writing

16 Oct 2023: Paragraph Writing Competition

30 Oct 2023: Lecture on Space by Geography Teacher

14 Nov 2023: Poem recitation competition on theme "Tiranga" as part of Chandrayaan 3.0 Celebration.

28 Nov 2023: Establishing selfie Point and Taking photographs

28 Nov 2023: Making spacecraft out of waste

12 Dec 2023: Movie/Documentary screening on Chandrayan 3

27 Dec 2023: Model Making of a Space Craft 3

15 Jan 2024: Run for the Moon

23 Jan 2024: Hindi Poetry competition on the theme "Tiranga"

23 Jan 2024: Presentation by cadets on Indian Space Programme

13 Feb 2024: Inter House Quiz on Space & Story Telling Competition on Chandraayaan

15 Feb 2024: Quiz on Indian Space Programme

28 Feb 2024: Success Story of Chandraayaan 3 - Outreach Programme to Villages

13 Mar 2024: Story telling competition in Hindi on Indian space program

Hindi declamation competition Indian space programme & regional language extempore speech on space (16 - 31 Mar 24)

Essay Writing Competition on the theme Shiva Shakti (02 Apr 24)

Hindi Ex-Tempore Speech on Space (02 Apr 24)

English Debate Competition on Race for Space (16 Apr 24)

Mini Exhibition on Space with model by cadets (11 May 24)

Screening of movie on space (05 Jul 24)

Run for the Moon: 5 kms run (05 Jul 24)